Feral Wiki
Feral Wiki

Is this in rotation?

You might be wondering if this item is in rotation, or available through Harvesting, as some areas of The Expanse are closed off. Currently, this item is available through The Expanse. Read more about Map Rotation here.

Blooderflies are Harvest Points in Feral. Blooderflies and Stained Wings can be harvested from them. They can be found in in the Tree and Village areas of Blood Tundra.


Blooderflies are off-white butterflies with a salmon-colored head, large black eyes, and red wings with an off-white edge.


Supply Runs[]

Blooderflies are Ingredients in Feral. They can be harvested from Blooderflies in the Blood Tundra.


Blooderflies are off-white butterflies with a salmon-colored head, large black eyes, and red wings with an off-white edge.

