Feral Wiki

FidDle DeE dEe! FidDLe dEe DUm! OnE MuST weAR a CANdY HAT iF thEy'Re to EnTER the CAndY EMpORIUM!!

The Candy Hat is a Common Accessory within Fer.al. It was released on the 21st of June, 2021, and can be crafted in Fera Fashions.


The Candy Hat is a light purple top hat. There is a big red bow on the hat with a light blue-green candy in the middle, with a swirled red pattern. A bigger yellow lollipop and a smaller blue-and-red lollipop are attached to the bow. There are three multicolored hearts on top of the bow, in the colors of dark red, light yellow and light blue-green. A light purple feather and a light blue-green feather comes out from the side of the hat.


