Feral Wiki

The beautiful blossoms on the blade denote that peace was the first goal of all warriors―violence was a last resort.

The Cherry Blossom Blade is a Rare Accessory Item within Feral. It can be found in a Gold Chest in Lakeroot Valley.


The Cherry Blossom Blade is a large blade is affixed to the base of the tail by a pink cloth. It consists of a long, thin blade with a sharp silver edge and point. The hilt is wrapped in off-white fabric. Several pink petals appear to be floating off it. It is supposedly based of a branch of a flowering cherry blossom tree.


  • This item shares a theme with the Kitsune Mask, Kitsune Amulet, Kimono Cape, Kimono Leg Wraps, and Kimono Bow, although they do not share the same prefix.
  • This item is also referred to as "CBB" for Cherry Blossom Blade, as well as "SBB" for Sakura Blossom Blade, which are synonymous.
    • The term 'Sakura' denotes the Japanese name for the 'Cherry Blossoms', a flower of the Prunus tree.

