Some content of this page is unconfirmed!
The information on this article either comes from unofficial sources, and may not be actual coming content, or is a widely debatable topic that some speculate to be false or misnamed.
Elves are an unconfirmed Feral avatar, a mystical race of humanoid forest settlers.
The avatar in the image is likely an elf due to its long, pointed ears and a humanoid body. Not much else is known about the in-game avatar.
The origin of elves can be traced back to Germanic mythology and folklore, the word "elf" roughly translating to "white being." They are widely known for their mysterious and elegant behavior and their extremely close bond with the earth. As well as being prominent in olden tales, they are common among modern cultures, such as being a race in the popular game Dungeons and Dragons, appearing in many familiar fantasy-themed works of literature, and being considered helpers of Santa Claus in Christmas folklore.
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