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The most festive time of year has arrived in Fer.al! Frostfete is a winter festival where citizens all over Feral give thanks to an ancient Wayfarer who parted the clouds of an endless winter.

Frostfete is a seasonal event in Feral spanning throughout the month of December. It is a Christmas-like event, with a cheerful, wintry aesthetic.


It's said that many years ago, there was a very long winter in Feral. Then, there come a legendary creature called The Wayfarer that brings back the spring to Feral. To celebrate it, every year in winter season, start in December, all Feralian gather up to celebrate the moment with gifts.

"Many years ago, Feral was thought to be trapped in a winter that would last forever! But when all hope was nearly lost, a brave Wayfarer reached up to part the thick clouds, and brought spring back to Feral! Now, every winter season, citizens of Feral pay tribute to the Wayfarer's kind spirit with celebrations and gifts, in the hopes that there will never again be a winter too long or too cold!"

(Quote was taken from the page The Wayfarer).

The Watcher[]


  • Frostfete is the second seasonal event to occur in-game, a month after Cindernoct.

