Feral Wiki

It can be difficult to see beneath the Jackalope’s timid exterior. While they are slippery by nature, Jackalopes possess keen minds and fierce hearts - not to mention competitive streaks! They prefer an interior life, seen when they choose to be seen, but catch up to a Jackalope and earn their trust, and you have a friend for life.
-@playfer.al on Instagram

The Jackalope is a mythical animal in North American folklore. The avatar was first shown off in Feral's first official trailer on June 26th, 2020, and was later released in-game on June 30th of that same year. It was formerly available through purchasing the game's Premium Season Pass, and can now be purchased in the Astral Shop.


"Shrewd. Demure. Nimble."

The Jackalope is a rabbit-like avatar that has long curly horns, tall ears, and a fur ruff around its neck. Much like other Avatars, a Spark sits on its forehead. The avatar will sit upright when idle but will hop around on all fours when moving. The default avatar is white in color with light orange undermarkings, a bright orange fur ruff, purple markings, a purple spark, and purple horns.

The first mention of the avatar was revealed four days before its release on June 26th, 2020, when the first official Feral trailer was released.

The Jackalope was formerly obtainable through the Premium Season Pass. The Jackalope and basic customization options were unlocked at Tier 25. Further customization options were unlocked at Tier 43 (Cozy Legs), Tier 53 (Florid Tail), Tier 81 (Lop Ears, Stout Horns), and Tier 98 (Fanged Head). A third look slot for the Jackalope unlocked at Tier 34. On March 22nd, New mods for the Jackalope were brought into the shop. 2 head mods - Stately head and Inquisitive head ; 2 ears - Flufftop ears and Deft ears; 2 horn mods - Curving Horns and Baiting horns; 2 leg mods - Agile legs and Pinprick legs; and 2 new tail mods - Dallop tail and Swooped tail.

Any obstacle that cannot be outrun can be faced with a sharp wit and an austere instinct.
-Jackalope creed


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Note that 'none' is an option.

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Arms / Legs[]

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Cr: Legends of America

The Jackalope is a creature of North American folklore, depicting a jackrabbit with antelope horns. They commonly appear in American tall tales, also known as exaggerated stories, and are well-known in the state of Wyoming, where they are deemed the state's official mythological animal. Although debatable, the first appearance of this creature was in the 1800s, when the first Jackalope was allegedly caught by a trapper. Jackalopes are known for being fierce and rough creatures, cautioning hunters to be more careful when in the wild as to avoid getting gored by the animal's antlers.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackalopehttps://mythology.net/mythical-creatures/jackalope/[]


  • The name "Jackalope" was confirmed in the official Feral Discord server, as it was introduced as an emoji under the name :jackalope:.
  • On February 18th, 2021, the Jackalope made its first appearance in the Astral Shop as a re-release from the Season Pass it was apart of.

