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The Pointed Fae Collar is a Cool Accessory within Feral. It can be crafted at "Reputable" Goods and obtained as a prize from a Gold Chest in Mugmyre Marsh.
The Pointed Fae Collar is purple and gold in color. Its main body is in an arch shape, being extended at each end. The shape connects together at one golden diamond-shaped gem in the middle and many other gems lie at the top of the item in a line.
- This item is similar to the Barred Fae Collar and the Fae Collar.
- The Pointed Fae Collar was updated to the Cool rarity on May 12th, 2020.
- The Pointed Fae Collar was originally released on December 13th, 2019, but was later removed on March 18th, 2020. It was available as a chest reward from May 12th to the 21st, 2020. It has been re-added on July 29th, 2020, obtainable at "Reputable" Goods.
- In the process of crafting, there is a small chance that the Rare Posh Seraph Collar will be created alongside it as a Eureka Item.